
in other news. google porn & edible wives.

two awkward situations:

yesterday in the middle of talking about annoying elitist social media arrogance, particularly surrounding those who specify just who should use plurk and how, David and i discovered that Google Doesn't Believe in Free Will (read: porn).

i think an image search with adult censors off will show that Google does, in fact, believe in porn. and yet, should i have wanted to send my big brother here some porn, he doesn't even get the option to receive my chat im. it simply isn't sent. i had to type out "x x x . com" to be able to explain what i'd found funny in my Gmail window. not that i'd be sending porn, since in fact i have some scruples, though it does make variable choices somewhat more difficult. must resort to yyy.com (which ironically results in a world trade site that isn't yet functional).

in other news, Italy believes in eating your wife--and not in the sexy way. Italian wine company Freschello released a campaign depicting variant meals (fish, steak, pork) in their animal form--in female wedding get-up. not only do i not want to consider the masculinization of a phallic wine bottle and how exactly it is "happily wedded" to my personified meal, i certainly don't want to consider eating a happily married cow--even if the adorable tramp is married to a wine bottle. uhm. this is just awkward. vegetarianism anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read this while on a conference call and ended up coughing while trying to cover up my laughter. thanks.